April is Foot Health Awareness Month

Special attention is given to foot health each April as Foot Health Awareness month is observed. The podiatrists and staff of FootDocs would like to remind you and your loved ones that this is the perfect time to determine what shape your feet are in.

Examining our feet can help identify early symptoms of other serious disorders such as vascular disease and diabetes. Foot issues can also cause other problems throughout our body.

Abnormal changes to the foot include:

  • Bunions (the formation of a large bump on the big toe, which starts to point toward the little toes)
  • Hammering of the toes (curling of the toes)
  • Clawing of the toes (more severe curling of the toes)
  • Tailor’s bunion (the formation of a large bump on the smallest toe, which starts to point  toward the large toe)
  • Calluses or corns, which occur on the toes or foot due to high pressure over bony areas
  • Morton’s neuromas (“pinched nerve” between the toes)
  • Arthritis of the joints

Take time to schedule your yearly foot health exam today. Early detection and treatment of problems help keep you on your feet and active.

Call for an appointment today:
248.646.6882 (Southfield/Birmingham)
248.960.4444 (Commerce/West Bloomfield)
313.863.0600 (Northwest Detroit)

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